13 March 2014

Noonie's |Country Adventures|

Confused cows. I mooed at them.

Took a little solo trip last week out to the country. While I was out there I decided to take a little drive to go see this one particular house that I've loved since I was a kid. I hadn't seen 'my house' in years but I definitely hadn't forgotten about it, I mean who could? It's this huge white mansion that has these enormous white pillars, kind of reminds me of a capitol building or something. Anyways it's huge. Not only that but there is a big ol' lake with a big ol' boat right in front of the house. It really is a sight to be seen. Such a beauty. I meant to get a picture of it, but I was on a narrow road, and there was no space for me to pull over so you'll just have to take my word for it, it's gorgeous.
 Heaven on Earth

After I had reunited with my house, I decided to go out a little further into the cuts as it was a beautiful sunny day. It had been raining the day before so everything was super green out there, and the all animals were out soaking up the sun and grazing on the nice green grass. I pulled off a couple of side roads I'm familiar with and decided to snap a few photos. Thought I'd share them with ya :) It was such a nice relaxing little get away, I really enjoyed the solace. Just me and mother nature kickin' it.

Grazin sheep

#nofilter on any of the above photos
Until next time friends...Cheers!!
P.S. I want to know...Where do you take solace??