14 October 2014

MOTW 5 | Halloween Edition

Musings of The Week. I mean, weeks. If you're a newbie around here let me explain. I started this series MOTW, as a way to help keep me inspired + focused on my current ideas + thoughts. It's easy to get caught up in the BS of day to day living, which often leads me to becoming uninspired, or to lack to energy to create, at least that's what happens to me from time to time. Which is why I thought a weekly check-in with what my current ideas for future projects or what I'm currently thinking about would be quite helpful to me, + it has been! Now I should mention when I initially started this series it was going to be a weekly one, but I've been brimming + boiling over with ideas + the results of these ideas that there wasn't enough space to share them all with you in one week. Sooo I've cut my MOTW back to a bi/tri-weekly series instead, so there will be more space to share all of my current thoughts, ideas + projects. As this series is going to be cut back I plan on including even more of my currents thoughts, ideas + projects because I'll have the time needed in order to share them + the results with ya, so it's definitely a good thing! For those who have read my MOTW before, I hope this series has rubbed off a little on you + has inspired you to dig a little deeper + start checking in with yourself a little more. There are all sorts of ideas swimming around you just have to look for them! :)

Anyways let's get down to business!

Artsy Projects:

Current art projects I'm thinking about trying in the coming weeks...

+ Halloween Cards: YES! The season has come for homemade Halloween cards! One of my favorite holiday activities to do! With all those exclamation points I'm sure you can tell just how excited I am about this project! :) I made these cards last Halloween + I think I'm going to stick with tradition of what I did last year + make my cards using glue + glitter again. It worked well for me last year + the cards definitely stood out with all their sparkle :) Halloween is fast approaching so I'm going to get on this project ASAP + share the results with ya soon!

+ Pumpkins: Of course this is a given. I so love getting to carve pumpkins + this year is no different! I did see this really cute idea though for decorating pumpkins using glitter on Carrie Ellen's blog + I'm somewhat tempted to try her technique this year instead of the usual carving. Just for something different, but we'll see. Maybe I'll have to get 2 pumpkins so I can do both lol. 

Recipe Aspirations:

'New to me recipes' I'd like to try...

+ Pumpkin Pie: Yes I've made pumpkin pie before, making the pie crust from scratch + filling it with canned pumpkin. I've done it this way plenty of times. But I've never made actual homemade pumpkin pie before. I'm talking about the pumpkin part of it. My family + I have always used canned pumpkin, it's convenient + delicious. But this year I thought I'd challenge canned pumpkin + try to make my own pumpkin filling for the pie by prepping + scooping an actual pumpkin. I'm not exactly sure just yet what the whole process entails, but I'm pretty excited to try my hand at it! Will be sure to let ya know how it turns out ;)

+ Halloween Cookies: Okay so I'm kinda cheating with this one as the recipe I'm going to use for my Halloween cookies is the same one I used last year. Caz if it ain't broke don't fix it. Looking forward to getting into the spirit of the holiday by eating my way there with these cookies lol. Be on the look out for pictures :)


As I mentioned before the goal of this series of posts is to help keep me inspired + focused, 
accountability is part of it too. Here's how my last MOTW projects + ideas went...

Art Projects:

- Abandon An Inspirational Rock + Sea Shells: CHECK. It felt good to get out there + abandon some art! It had been a minute since I had done so + I had forgotten just how much fun it is! Will be sharing photos of my abandoned rock + shells here in the next few days! :)

- Fuji Instax Photo Projects: FAIL. I've been keeping busy with other art projects that I completely forgot about this one! Will work on something in the coming weeks!

Recipe Aspirations:

- Mini Chicken Pot Pies: CHECK. I've already shared my experience making these along with the recipe. If ya missed it, check it out! :)

- Chocolate Avocado Mousse with Sea Salt: CHECK. OMG this dessert was sooo good! I've already shared the recipe for this bad boy as well, you can find it here :)

Pretty happy with how my MOTW have been going :) Can't wait to catch up with ya up + let you know how these newest upcoming projects go on my next MOTW!

Until next time friends...Cheers!!

<3 Noonie