28 October 2014

Past Greats: Egon Schiele

I think I've mentioned this before on BSOM but I took an Art History class a few years back + it really sparked my desire to learn all about artists of the past, from the more well known to the not so well known. Prior to taking this course I knew a little about art history, but primarily only about 'household name' artists, such as Van Gogh or Monet. My knowledge about other historically important but not as infamous artists was very slim, but upon taking this Art History course I fell in love with lots of these not so well known artists, including Egon Schiele who became one of my all time favorite artists from the past. I'm sure there are some of you out there who have never heard of this artist so I thought it'd be fun to tell ya a little bit about him + share some of his works with you because they are not only amazing, but they have a timeless essence about them. Enjoy the show...!

Mr. Egon Schiele

What really made Schiele stick out to me was his dark style + the 'in your face' type of works he created. Definitely not a subtle guy. 

Schiele was known for his portraits + nudes.

I thought the 2 pieces pictured above really exemplified both his darker style + the 'in your face' attitude that Schiele gave his works. As you can see the woman pictured in the 1st piece is blatantly looking at you the viewer, giving you what I call the "cold blooded killer look". She's just so in your face.

As for the 2nd piece pictured this nude woman too is starring in the direction of the viewer. I'm sure that fact that she was nude + staring at the viewer was quite controversial at the time. I can't imagine women were "supposed to" be so riskay during this time period.

I also really like the defiance that he so boldly presents in a lot of his works + in particular this one charcoal + watercolor piece of his...

From what I recall from my Art History class is that Schiele created the piece above as an act of defiance against his Uncle who cut Schiele off financially after Schiele went against his wishes and became an artist. It's a tale as old as time I suppose, lol. 

Another piece of Schiele's that really stuck out to me is one titled "La Familia", which was a painting he had done of his family; himself, his wife + their unborn child.

This piece stuck out to me because of the sad story that goes along with it. Schiele painted this right before his pregnant wife + their unborn child died of the Spanish flu, which Schiele also ended up dying from in the end, just 3 days after his wife passed away. This piece has come to be known as the family that never was. 

Right before his death Schiele was quoted to have said "...My paintings will be in museums throughout the world.". Boy did he call it. 

Hope you enjoyed this little art history lesson about one of my all time favorites! :)

Until next time friends...Cheers!!!

<3 Noonie