09 January 2014


Photo from my trip to Cali with Noonie

For the past 5 years I have spent New Years in New York City, so when I rang in 2014 I wanted it to be something different! Not that I went out or did anything exciting, but this year my goals are based on me. So it seemed only fitting to spend the evening doing things I enjoyed (aka cuddling up with the doggies and watching a movie).
Each year I choose one resolution, some of the past ones have been: trying new foods, traveling, getting out of the house more... things like that. But this year is going to be different. The end of 2013 brought the end of much more than just another year for me. It was the year I finished my college career, the year I improved my eating habits, the year I began to understand my emotions, and the year I learned the most about myself and the way I function. Therefore, it seems only fitting that 2014 will be more than a year of resolutions, it will be a year of self-revolution + reflection.

I began 2014 with a new hair color, owning my emotions, + cleanse.
I added bright red highlights to my hair + will be vegan for the month of January (except for a little hiccup this past Sunday...). Additionally my revolutions this year will have everything to do with me + personal growth.

1. Accept + Own my emotions
2. Improve my relationship with myself
3. Exercise
(I know this sounds like everyone's resolutions but I have never made this one before)
4. Read More
5. Create More

Well can't say that I've thought much about a New Year's Resolution, that was until Nelli suggested this blogoration (blog collaboration). To be honest I really haven't had a New Year's resolution for the last few years for various reasons, but that's to change this year.

I've very hopeful that this will be the year that my health gets back on track, and that positive things will be coming my way! A lot of aspects of my life are on hold right now due to my health so I'm some what limited with my resolutions. But off the top of my head..

1. Create more!
2. Be more committed to finishing all projects I start.
3. Write in my journal more.

Although I only have a couple resolutions I guess they say quantity over quality right?

Happy New Year to all from Nelli & Noonie! 
We hope this year brings you and yours many good things!

And heres to more blogoration posts!