16 June 2014

Gettin' Outta Dodge

Ridin' along

I know, I know I've been on somewhat of a blog hiatus lately. Life has gotten a little busier and I've been so scatter brained it's been hard for me to focus on just one thing, including BSOM. Things haven't necessarily slowed down for me just quite yet and I'm still feeling pretty scattered so when a few friends suggested we get out of town for the day I was definitely on board! We hopped in the car and about an hour later we arrived to our destination, a really nice secluded area up in the mountains. Not only did we go to a place that was new to me, but I also had my first (well 2nd) experience fishing, which was also really cool! Couldn't have asked for a better day especially since it was about 10 degrees cooler where we ended up compared to the heat wave that was going on in the valley. Definitely a day for the books. Thought I'd share a few photos...ENJOY!

Built in 1946

The Lover's Tree

Gone fishin'

Until next time friends...Cheers!! 

<3 Noonie

P.S. Promise I'll be back soon to share with you updates of my room revamp as well as some of my newest artistic ventures!