31 July 2013

Days in Dumbo

Been spending some time in Brooklyn lately between friends and foes Brooklyn just seems to draw us all to its charm.
This past weekend I was in brooklyn all three days, and below are just a few photos of Dumbo to show you. DUMBO stands for 'Down Under the Manhattan Brooklyn Overpass' and is one of my favorite spots in all of New York City.

Dumbo is known for Grimaldi's Pizza, its views of the Brooklyn Bridge, 2 massive waterfront parks, and of course the ice cream shop on the pier. This past weekend Dumbo and I experience quite a few 'NYC firsts together.'

It all began Friday evening with an impromptu dinner with a friend. I met up with them under the brooklyn bridge at Luke's Lobster (which I should have gotten a photo of!), I had a crab roll which was delicious! I don't know how it took me so long to try one, twist my arm why don't ya?! Followed by a book signing of Afro: A Celebration of Natural Hair, by Michael July, which again I should have gotten a photo of but we snuck in so shhhhhh. Next was a trip to One Girl Cookies for a handful of delicious morsels and a hot chocolate, all of which were taken to go so we could watch the sunset over the bridge while enjoying each bite.
The next leg of my journey this evening took me into Long Island City, Queens (which you can view here), and proved to be equally as amazing!
On Sunday I was again in Dumbo to go to Smorgasbord and to hop a ride on the East River Ferry, both of which I should have taken photos... I think we're seeing a trend here that needs to be corrected, but I'm learning!


Good Morning!
Brownstone Details
Brooklyn Bridge in DUMBO
Manhattan Bridge
Brooklyn Bridge

27 July 2013

Long Island City, Queens NYC

My day was filled with crazy adventures, promiscuous activities, and a wild night.

It began because of my job, I am currently interning with an urban planning organization, and was sent to Long Island City (LIC) to check on a few construction sites. I, and my co-intern, had quite the adventure. Wandering around a neighborhood with clipboards and a camera makes the neighbors wonder. We began speaking with a local homeowner about how he's been in his home for his entire life and how he has seen the region change, then to a hotel owner who wants to further develop the area. Completely different perspectives, and only one block apart. This led to rooftop tours, building adventures, site visits and tons of fun.

In the evening I remained in the neighborhood, enjoyed dinner with a friend at Anabel's Basin, followed by a midnight adventure to 5 Pointz - which was a trip in itself - and drove around the area speaking to random people on the street, yelling out the windows, making friends, and seeing some crazy artwork - we found a ladder completely covered in toilet paper - snuck into an empty lot or two, and the evening commenced with a view of the LIC Clocktower lit up in Red-White-and-Blue.

LIC Clocktower

5 Pointz

5 Pointz

LIC Building - Roof has collapsed

Something from an Old Western Movie

LIC Clocktower - with ME!

LIC Clocktower

The MTA Hole, what's happening down there?

Sneaking into Buildings

Abandoned home in Dutch Kills - LIC

Abandoned home in Dutch Kills - LIC

Abandoned home in Dutch Kills - LIC

LIC Rooftop

View of Manhattan from a LIC Rooftop

Court Square MTA Subway Station - Mural of Long Island City

23 July 2013

Corn-Blueberry Muffins

This past weekend I was wandering around New York City and stopped by Smiles to Go for a brownie and maple cornbread (which was delicious!).
This got me to thinking that I should try my hand at making cornbread with fruit and maple syrup/honey in it, and tonight was just the occasion!

I did some research as I was looking for a Vegan & Gluten Free Cornbread recipe and I found one. I modified the recipe slightly and the flavor is amazing!

2 cups flour (2 cups corn or 1 corn & 1 wheat)
1 tea baking powder
1/2 tea baking soda
few pinches of salt
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup almond milk
2 handfuls of blueberries

Combine Dry ingredients in one bowl and wet in another, then combine, stir, throw in blueberries, bake at 350 for 20 minutes.

I made 2 different types of muffins.
1. cornbread with blueberries in it
2. cornbread with peanut-butter in the center, inspired by Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

Healthy & Delicious, what is there to loose?

Corn-Blueberry Muffins

Peanut-butter Filled Corn Muffin

21 July 2013

California - New York

I thought this would be a fun first post